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original crinkle cut chips
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original crinkle cut chips

About us

Brand Origin Story

What makes someone move everything they have with their wife and 3 young girls from a small beach town in Australia to landlocked Colorado USA? A passion for guilt free snacks!

Family photo looking happy on a beach

A simple idea

The motivation for the product started back in 2014 when Matt was following a restricted gluten-free diet. He missed his favorite snacks, so he was inspired to re-create the classic canister chip, but without all the nasties.

It was one thing to make them healthier with better ingredients, but he wanted his daughters to be able to enjoy them as well, so he knew they had to taste good! And so began the journey of developing a clean label, gluten-free canister chip the whole family would enjoy.

Launching in the USA

It was during a visit to Anaheim’s Expo West, the largest Natural Products trade show in the world, that Matt got the courage and motivation to try to share his families’ Good Crisps with the rest of the world.

It took some time packaging and making sure certifications were all correct for the US market, and in March 2017 The Good Crisp Company formally launched into Whole Foods stores in Northern California. Over the next 2 years more and more stores found out about the product and by the end of 2018 The Good Crisp Company was available in natural grocery stores across the US.

Matt smiling, holding a good crisp canister in falling snow

Moving to the other side of the world

With the demand increasing for The Good Crisp Company and more and more Americans looking for a better option of canister chip, Matt and his family had to make a decision. So, despite his wife and 3 girls having never even been overseas, in January 2019 the family made the move to pack up everything and move from Australia to the US to focus full time on The Good Crisp Company and bringing their guilt free canister chip to the US market.

Matt's wife and 3 daughters playing in the sea